UK Anime Network, UK Anime News, Reviews and Articles
Dawfydd Kelly

Favourite Anime

In no particular order:

Black Lagoon

Cowboy Bebop

Macross: DYRL

Ghost in the Shell

Full Metal Alchemist 

Favourite Manga



Battle Angel Alita

Gunsmith Cats


Dawfydd Kelly


Wargamer. Anime fan. Giant robot enthusiast. Congenietal absorber of science fiction & fantasy. Dawfydd is most definitely too old for this ****, but see's no point in stopping now. If only he could cut down on his use of the words 'dude' and 'groovy' in everyday conversation...

Wargamer. Anime fan. Giant robot enthusiast. Congenietal absorber of science fiction & fantasy. Dawfydd is most definitely too old for this ****, but see's no point in stopping now. If only he could cut down on his use of the words 'dude' and 'groovy' in everyday conversation...


Features, interviews and Special Events
Clank! Catacombs
by Dan Barnett

A delve down into the dungeons of this board game
Masakazu Kubo Interview
by Ross Locksley

The talent behind the Pokemon series discusses his work on golfing anime Tonbo!
Behind the scenes of golfing sensation Tonbo!
by Ross Locksley

We have an exclusive look at the anime production of a beloved golfing classic